Well, summer is here in full force and so far I have been enjoying my break from school. It is a blessing to be able to kick back and work on my own projects outside of the grind of academia for once. While I do love school, it is easy for me to get too wrapped up in the grind and neglect myself. I returned to my job at the plant nursery, which has been a fun little gig to make money. I have learned so much about plants and have met many interesting people! The best part of being back though, is realizing how much I have grown as a person. When I originally started working at the nursery, I was in high school and coming off the heels of COVID-19. During that time, like a lot of folks, I struggled. Hard. And I began dealing with personal issues that I still battle today. But the difference between the me today and the me then is astounding. I am extremely proud of how far I have come in understanding myself. I have newfound confidence to be who I am. I have the confidence to no longer people-please. I have the confidence to tell people no, and the confidence to say yes and try new things. I owe it to myself to know myself and pursue what I want.

That being said, this summer has taught me how much I enjoy being on my own. Hanging out with friends is nice but doing something solo (And oftentimes just being left alone) scratches a deep itch within me. It's like a little reminder that I have permission to do whatever I want. I'd like to schedule some personal day trips to some local spots around me and bring my sketchbook. Number one on my list is a monastery nearby open to the public. I have been dying to go and check it out!

To whoever is reading this: you owe it to yourself to do something strictly for yourself. Stay cool this summer!

- Claud